The 2023 Korean Association of Child Studies, 'Story Comprehension Skills in School-Aged Children According to Text Type and Story Modality.'Chung, H. E., Jeong, E., Nam, S. H., Kim, J. W., Kim, A. Y., Yoon, S. R., & Yim, D.
The 2024 KASA conference, 'Switching Ability and Prefrontal Cortex Activation Patterns in Adults: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.'Chung, H. E., Han, W. J., Lee, J. H., Kim, D. E., Shin, J. Y., & Yim, D.
Computer Human Interaction conference 2024, 'Open sesame? Open Salami! Personalizing vocabulary assessment-intervention for children via pervasive profiling and bespoke storybook generation'Lee, J. E., Yoon, S. W., Lee, K. S.. Jeong, E. A., Cho, J. E., Park, W. J., Yim, D., & Hwang, I. S.
The 8th KSHA & KASA conference 2023, 'Story comprehension skills in school-aged children according to text type and story modality.'Chung, H. E., Jeong, E. A., Nam, S. H., Kim, J. W., Kim, A. Y., Yoon, S. R., & Yim, D.
Korean Speech-Language Hearing Association, 'Story comprehension skills of school-aged children by passage type and queston type according to story conditions'Chung, H. E., Song, H. S., Cho, Y. R., Oh, Y. R., Joo, H. J., Yim, D.
K-MOOCDongsun Yim
Ministry of EducationDongsun Yim
The 7th KSHA & KASA conference 2021, 'Differences in word learning depending on word exposure intensity during book reading intervention and related factors for word-learning in children with and without language delay'Kim, S. Y., Song, E., Han, J. Y., Yang, Y. H., Kim, S. Y., Kang, M. J., Kim, J. W., Cho, Y, R., & Yim, D.
The 7th KSHA & KASA conference 2021,'Telepractice of articulation disorders in linguistically diverse children'Jeongwon Choi, Soo Jung Baek, Dongsun Yim
The 7th KSHA & KASA conference 2021, 'Differences in word learning depending on word exposure intensity during book reading intervention and related factors for word-learning in children with and without language delay'Kim, S. Y., Song, E., Han, J. Y., Yang, Y. H., Kim, S. Y., Kang, M. J., Kim, J. W., Cho, Y, R., & Yim, D.
The 21st Korean Speech-Language & Hearing Association conference Shinyoung, Dongsun Yim
The 21st Korean Speech-Language & Hearing Association conference Wongjung Park, Dongsun Yim
The 6th KASA & KSHA conference 2019Jiyun Han, Eun Song, Sookyung Lee, Jia Han, & Dongsun Yim
The 6th KASA & KSHA conference 2019Jiyun Han, Daeun Kang, & Dongsun Yim
National Research Foundation of KoreaWonjeong Park, Advisor: Dongsun Yim
The Korean Academy of Speech-language Pathology and AudiologyYoonhee Yang, Advisor: Dongsun Yim
The 4th KASA & KSHA conference 2016Jiyun Han, Dongsun Yim
The 4th KASA & KSHA conference 2016Yeonju Jo, Dongsun Yim
SRCLD 2015Wonjeong Park, Advisor: Dongsun Yim
Ewha Womans UniversityDongsun Yim
CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing) 2014Dongsun Yim
2007 ASHA conventionDongsun Yim
2003 ASHA conventionDongsun Yim
2000 KASA conventionDongsun Yim
2000 KASA conventionDongsun Yim