Professor Yim was selected as the excellent lecturer for the first semester of 2021 and was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award on March 30. Professor Yim focused on improving students' understanding by dividing the lecture into short videos and drawing cartoons related to the contents of the class. 'Considering the students' concentration time, I tried to reduce the amount of class duration and deliver only the core,' she said. In the K-MOOC lecture 'Children's outstanding language learning abilities - approach from bilinguals,' Professor Yim brought videos of her children and used them as examples. Professor Yim said, 'The students had fun because they actually had a chance to watch the child babbling and talking in sentences. 허유하, '1학기 강의우수교원 선발, 명강의 뒤 숨겨진 노력' 이대학보, 23-May-2021. [online]. Available: